A Bi-Convective Magnetized Hybrid Nanofluid Flow Along with Thermal Radiation in an Adverse Pressure Field Using Temperature-Sensitive Base Fluid (Water) Properties
Date Issued
Barman, T
Roy, S
Chamkha, AJ
This investigation considers the temperature-sensitive characteristics of water (base fluid) to scrutinize the flow mechanism, various essential gradients and energy distribution (by means of entropy production) in a magnetized hybrid nanofluid (Cu + Al2O3 + H2O) flow with exponentially increasing pressure. For more mechanically realistic results, the analysis includes radiation and heat generation/absorption along with surface mass disposal. Thermophoretic diffusion and Brownian diffusion (Nt, Nb) are incorporated into this study as essential slip mechanisms. The governing physical principles in mathematical form are solved utilizing a robust numerical method with Varga's block matrix method. The graphical demonstrations of numerical results show that velocity heightens with mixed convection (lambda) and Reynolds number (Re) whereas temperature enhances for heat source (Q > 0) and injection (A < 0). Stuart Number (St) reduce the heat transfer performance while mixed convection (lambda) enhances the frictional coefficient. This study further found that improving estimations of nanoparticles' percentage (phi), Re, Eckert number (Ec) and suction (A > 0) significantly generating more entropy.