Periodic operation of bioreactors for autocatalytic reactions with Michaelis-Menten kinetics
Date Issued
Roopsingh, G.
Chidambaram, M.
The performance of an isothermal tubular bioreactor carrying out autocatalytic reactions obeying Michaelis-Menten Kinetics is analyzed for improvement in the average yield of product B. Under steady-state condition, the reactor is shown to exhibit input multiplicities in the yield of B with the mean residence time. Simulation results show that a significant improvement in the average yield of B is obtained under feed substrate concentration cycling. The two values of mean residence time giving identical yield under conventional steady-state operation is shown to give distinctly different behaviour under periodic operation. The lower value of the residence time gives improved average yield of B. The performances of the reactor with power law kinetics and that with the Michaelis-Menten kinetics show distinct average yield under periodic operation even though steady- state operation gives identical yield.