Adaptive finite element analysis of mode I fracture in cement-based materials
Date Issued
Prasad, M. V.K.V.
Krishnamoorthy, C. S.
Microscopic studies using advanced experimental techniques have provided better insight into the fracture mechanisms in cement-based materials. A clear understanding of fracture mechanisms is critical for the development of regorous computational models for analysing fracture. Fracture analysis is usually carried out by finite element method. Accuracy of FE analysis depends upon the choice of mesh and for the predictions to be reliable, discretization errors are to be minimized. In cohesive crack approach, the non-linearity is limited to the boundary conditions along the geometric discontinuity while the bulk of the material retains its elastic nature. The paper presents a mesh-adaptive strategy based on ZZ error estimator to model discrete crack propagation in cement-based materials. Examples of simulations have demonstrated the potential of the mesh-adaptive technique in modelling the evolution of the localized strain profiles as well as failure of concrete test specimen. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley and Sons, Ltd.