Wave Basin Model Study for Offshore Breakwater at Udangudi, India
Date Issued
Sundaravadivelu, Sakthivel
Ranganathan, Sundaravadivelu
The proposed marine facilities at Udangudi in Tamil Nadu is located in the Gulf of Mannar, with Sri Lanka on the east and peninsular of India to the west. The overall marine facility consists of 8 km approach trestle, 555 m jetty & 915 m island breakwater. The objective of this 3D model is to verify the roundhead section which is subjected to waves approaching from a different direction. The tests are conducted in 1:56.52 model scale in Lanka Hydraulic Institute, Srilanka for two wave directions: 180 and 150 degrees wrt North. The model study is carried out for 18.5m water depth with 50% length, as shown below, considering the symmetry. The test series consists of 7 tests for each direction with wave heights and periods corresponding to various return periods, including two tests to assess the stability of the toe during low water conditions.