Nonlinearity identification of breathing cracked cantilever beam using ROM
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Vigneshwaran, K.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
In this work, the nonlinearity associated with the propagation of the breathing crack present in a cantilever beam was identified numerically using the Finite Element software Abaqus. The cantilever beam with a breathing crack was modeled with plane strain conditions, the beam was assigned with orthotropic material properties and the crack was modelled using CZM (Cohesive Zone Modelling) and XFEM approach. The beam was loaded with harmonic loading in the Mode I direction to allow the crack to propagate along the predefined path. Later, the crack tip opening displacement (CTOD) was measured to identify the nonlinearity associated of crack propagation in beam. The results from Abaqus have been post processed using Reduced Order Modelling technique to increase the computational efficiency of the numerical model. It has been determined that the cracked beam's stiffness was observed to be cubic. However, the stiffness behaviour was also observed to be quadratic in nature as a result of different forcing amplitudes (Harmonic forcing). Additionally, bifurcation and chaos like nonlinear dynamic effects were also identified for breathing crack. Finally, the results obtained from the Abaqus have been compared with the existing analytical and experimental results.