Search for the decay h<inf>c</inf> → π <sup>0</sup> J/ψ
Date Issued
Ablikim, M.
Achasov, M. N.
Adlarson, P.
Ahmed, S.
Albrecht, M.
Aliberti, R.
Amoroso, A.
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An, Q.
Bai, X. H.
Bai, Y.
Bakina, O.
Baldini Ferroli, R.
Balossino, I.
Ban, Y.
Begzsuren, K.
Berger, N.
Bertani, M.
Bettoni, D.
Bianchi, F.
Bloms, J.
Bortone, A.
Boyko, I.
Briere, R. A.
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Chang, W. L.
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Chen, G.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M. L.
Chen, S. J.
Chen, X. R.
Chen, Y. B.
Chen, Z. J.
Cheng, W. S.
Cibinetto, G.
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Cui, X. F.
Dai, H. L.
Dai, J. P.
Dai, X. C.
Dbeyssi, A.
de Boer, R. E.
Dedovich, D.
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Denig, A.
Denysenko, I.
Destefanis, M.
De Mori, F.
Ding, Y.
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Dong, J.
Dong, L. Y.
Dong, M. Y.
Dong, X.
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Fan, Y. L.
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Fang, Y.
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Feng, J. H.
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Fu, C. D.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y. G.
Garzia, I.
Ge, P. T.
Geng, C.
Gersabeck, E. M.
Gilman, A.
Goetzen, K.
Gong, L.
Gong, W. X.
Gradl, W.
Greco, M.
Gu, L. M.
Gu, M. H.
Guan, C. Y.
Guo, A. Q.
Guo, A. Q.
Guo, L. B.
Guo, R. P.
Guo, Y. P.
Guskov, A.
Han, T. T.
Han, W. Y.
Hao, X. Q.
A search for the decay hc→ π0J/ψ is performed using a sample of hc produced in the reaction e+e−→ π+π−hc. The data samples were collected with the BESIII detector at center-of-mass energies between 4.189 and 4.437 GeV, corresponding to a total integrated luminosity of 11 fb−1. No significant signal is observed. Upper limits on the branching ratio B(hc→ π0J/ψ)/B(hc→ γηc→ γK+K−π0) and on the branching fraction B(hc→ π0J/ψ) are determined to be 7.5 × 10−2 and 4.7 × 10−4 at 90% confidence level, respectively. The latter is derived from the former using the measured branching fraction of the normalization channel. This is the first determination of the upper limit of the decay hc→ π0J/ψ. [Figure not available: see fulltext.]