MADRaS : Multi agent driving simulator
Date Issued
Santara, Anirban
Rudra, Sohan
Buridi, Sree Aditya
Kaushik, Meha
Naik, Abhishek
Kaul, Bharat
Ravindran, Balaraman
Autonomous driving has emerged as one of the most active areas of research as it has the promise of making transportation safer and more efficient than ever before. Most realworld autonomous driving pipelines perform perception, motion planning and action in a loop. In this work we present MADRaS, an open-source multi-agent driving simulator for use in the design and evaluation of motion planning algorithms for autonomous driving. Given a start and a goal state, the task of motion planning is to solve for a sequence of position, orientation and speed values in order to navigate between the states while adhering to safety constraints. These constraints often involve the behaviors of other agents in the environment. MADRaS provides a platform for constructing a wide variety of highway and track driving scenarios where multiple driving agents can be trained for motion planning tasks using reinforcement learning and other machine learning algorithms. MADRaS is built on TORCS, an open-source car-racing simulator. TORCS offers a variety of cars with different dynamic properties and driving tracks with different geometries and surface properties. MADRaS inherits these functionalities from TORCS and introduces support for multi-agent training, inter-vehicular communication, noisy observations, stochastic actions, and custom traffic cars whose behaviors can be programmed to simulate challenging traffic conditions encountered in the real world. MADRaS can be used to create driving tasks whose complexities can be tuned along eight axes in well defined steps. This makes it particularly suited for curriculum and continual learning. MADRaS is lightweight and it provides a convenient OpenAI Gym interface for independent control of each car. Apart from the primitive steering-acceleration-brake control mode of TORCS, MADRaS offers a hierarchical track-position - speed control mode that can potentially be used to achieve better generalization. MADRaS uses a UDP based client server model where the simulation engine is the server and each client is a driving agent. MADRaS uses multiprocessing to run each agent as a parallel process for efficiency and integrates well with popular reinforcement learning libraries like RLLib. We show experiments on single and multi-agent reinforcement learning with and without curriculum.