Optimization of Power Quality problem for a windturbine Fixed speed Induction Generatorunder Asymmetric faultsusing UPFC Fed Vector control-PI, Hysteresis and Fuzzy logic.
Date Issued
Karthigeyan, P
Raja, MS
Sheeba, MS
Gnanaselvam, R
Raj, NG
Most of the pollution issues created in power system is due to the power quality problems like faults, harmonics etc. In this paper a grid connected fixed speed wind turbine induction generator subjected to asymmetric fault gets attenuated by unified power flow controller (UPFC) as itcompensates the positive and negative sequence voltages thereby reducing the torque oscillations and improving the life time of the drain. It is the combination of static compensator (STATCOM) and static synchronous series compensator (SSSC). The control theory is based on vector control- dq(direct quadrature axis) reference frame fed PI, hysteresis control and fuzzy logic control using DSOGI-PLL(Dual second order generalized integrator-Phase locked loop). The proposed system is implemented using MATLAB / SIMULINKplatformwith and without Unified power flow controller. The effect of UPFC for fixed speed windturbine under faults is analysed using the above three controllers and its performance is evaluated.