Design of State Feedback LQR Based Dual Mode Fractional-Order PID Controller using Inertia Weighted PSO Algorithm: For Control of an Underactuated System
Date Issued
Ramakrishnan, Rajesh
Subramaniam Nachimuthu, Deepa
Several control strategies are proposed and developed to enhance the performance of the various underactuated systems, particularly inverted pendulum. This paper presents the dual-mode fractional-order control with a reference model for pitch and angle control of an inverted pendulum. An inertia weighted PSO is utilized for optimal tuning of the FOPID parameters to ensure an optimal balance between local and global search. A cost function of this algorithm is framed based on the error between the reference model output and actual system output along with time-domain performance criteria. The reference model-based tuning improves the performance of the controller and steady-state error tracking. In addition, an optimal state feedback LQR is implemented using pole placement design in the feedback to stabilize and improve the robustness of the inverted pendulum. Compared to the conventional PID, the proposed structure illustrates the FOPID structure has significant performance improvement in both with and without disturbance conditions.