Hydrodynamics of external turret moored FPSO system
Date Issued
Kannah, T. Rajesh
Natarajan, R.
The dynamic behavior of a 1:100 scale model of 140000 DWT turret moored FPSO system for three operating conditions, i.e., 40 % DWT, 70 % DWT and 100 % DWT with three hawser lengths, i.e., 15 %, 20 % and 25 % of the length of FPSO is discussed in this paper. The model tests were conducted in the 2 m wide wave flume under regular waves for the wave frequencies ranging from 0.55 Hz to 1.25 Hz in steps of 0.04 Hz at a water depth of 1 m for head sea condition. The motion response was measured using rotary type potentiometers. The mooring and hawser line forces were measured using specially fabricated ring type load cells. The test results of the forces and motion response were analyzed for the three hawser lengths at three operating conditions. From the analysis of the results, it is found that the tension in the forward mooring line is more than the tension in the aft mooring line for all loading conditions and hawser lengths. It is also observed that the tension of the forward mooring line decreases with increase in hawser length. The mooring tension is maximum for all hawser lengths at the full load condition.