Investigations on the bifurcation of a noisy Duffing-Van der Pol oscillator
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This study carried out investigations on the bifurcation characteristics of a Duffing-Van der Pol (DVDP) oscillator subjected to white noise excitations. Dynamical (or D-) bifurcations are characterised by dramatic changes in the dynamical behaviour leading to topological changes in the phase portrait. An additional mode of bifurcation - phenomenological (or P-) bifurcation, is observed in stochastically excited systems when the stationary joint probability density function of the state variables undergo topological changes in the probability space. While D-bifurcation analysis is quantified in terms of the sign changes in the largest Lyapunov exponent, P-bifurcation analysis is usually qualitative and through visual inspection. In this study, a new quantitative measure for P-bifurcations based on the Shannon entropy is proposed. A comparison of the parameter regimes of the noisy DVDP oscillator identified by the three bifurcation methodologies have been presented.