Search for B0 decays to invisible final states at Belle
Date Issued
Hsu, C. L.
Chang, P.
Adachi, I.
Aihara, H.
Arinstein, K.
Asner, D. M.
Aulchenko, V.
Aushev, T.
Bakich, A. M.
Bhuyan, B.
Bischofberger, M.
Bondar, A.
Bonvicini, G.
Bozek, A.
BraÄ ko, M.
Browder, T. E.
Chang, M. C.
Chao, Y.
Chekelian, V.
Chen, A.
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Cheon, B. G.
Chilikin, K.
Cho, I. S.
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Dalseno, J.
Dingfelder, J.
Doležal, Z.
Drásal, Z.
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Eidelman, S.
Epifanov, D.
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Gabyshev, N.
Gillard, R.
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Haba, J.
Hara, T.
Hayasaka, K.
Hayashii, H.
Horii, Y.
Hoshi, Y.
Hou, W. S.
Hsiung, Y. B.
Hyun, H. J.
Iijima, T.
Inami, K.
Ishikawa, A.
Itoh, R.
Iwabuchi, M.
Iwasaki, Y.
Iwashita, T.
Julius, T.
Kang, J. H.
Kawasaki, T.
Kichimi, H.
Kiesling, C.
Kim, H. J.
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Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Liu, Y.
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Louvot, R.
Miyabayashi, K.
Miyata, H.
Miyazaki, Y.
Mohanty, G. B.
Moll, A.
Muramatsu, N.
Nakano, E.
Nakao, M.
Natkaniec, Z.
Ng, C.
Nishida, S.
Nitoh, O.
Ohshima, T.
Okuno, S.
Olsen, S. L.
Pakhlova, G.
Park, C. W.
We report a search for B0 decays into invisible final states using a data sample of 657×106 BB̄ pairs collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB e +e - collider. The signal is identified by fully reconstructing a hadronic decay of the accompanying B meson and requiring no other particles in the event. No significant signal is observed, and we obtain an upper limit of 1.3×10 -4 at the 90% confidence level for the branching fraction of invisible B0 decay. © 2012 American Physical Society.