Study of Belousov-Zhabotinsky oscillators in water-acetonitrile medium employing EMF and EPR techniques with o-vanillin, p-vanillin and adrenaline as substrates
Date Issued
Lalitha, P. V.
Ramaswamy, R.
Ramakrishnan, Geetha
Rao, P. Sambasiva
The oscillatory behaviour of three substrates, ortho-vanillin, para-vanillin and adrenaline, in mixed media (water plus 20% acetonitrile) has been investigated using EPR and EMF techniques. All these substrates exhibit two types of oscillation involving Br2/Br- and Mn(III)/Mn(II) redox couples. From the oscillatory characteristics (total time, number of oscillations and time per oscillation) obtained by employing these techniques, the reactivities of the vanillins have been correlated. The Field-Koros-Noyes mechanism, suggested for catalysed systems in pure aqueous medium, is established to be applicable even in mixed media. © 1994.