Critical region in the spatiotemporal dynamics of a turbulent thermoacoustic system and smart passive control
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Roy, Amitesh
Premchand, C. P.
Raghunathan, Manikandan
Krishnan, Abin
Nair, Vineeth
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
We develop a passive control strategy for suppressing thermoacoustic instability in a bluff-body stabilized premixed turbulent combustor. When the equivalence ratio is varied, there is a transition from combustion noise to thermoacoustic instability via intermittency in the combustor. We perform simultaneous acoustic pressure, 2D-PIV, and CH* chemiluminescence measurements to capture the pressure fluctuations, the velocity field, and the heat release rate (HRR) field during the transition. We measure the spatial distribution of the amplitude of turbulent velocity at the acoustic frequency, time-averaged vorticity, time-averaged HRR, and Rayleigh index and identify various regions of significance. We implement a passive control strategy by targeting these regions with a steady injection of secondary micro-jet of air to optimize the injection location and determine the critical region. Targeting the critical region with secondary air leads to greater than 20 dB suppression of the dominant thermoacoustic mode. We observe that the coherent structure forming from the shear layer following the dump plane gets suppressed, leading to an incoherent spatial distribution of HRR fluctuations. We find that the turbulent velocity amplitude correctly identifies the critical region for optimized passive control during thermoacoustic instability. In contrast, the Rayleigh index identifies the region of the most significant acoustic driving; however, it does not identify the region most sensitive to control. Finally, we extend our analysis by determining the spatial distribution of the Hurst exponent measured from the turbulent velocity field. We show that the Hurst exponent identifies the critical region during thermoacoustic instability and intermittency, unlike the other physical measures. Thus, we develop a smart passive control method by combining the need for finding critical regions in the combustor with the predictive capabilities of the Hurst exponent.