An analytical method to extract the physical parameters of a solar cell from four points on the illuminated J-V curve
Date Issued
Saleem, H.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
For a variety of solar cells, it is shown that the single exponential J-V model parameters, namely-ideality factor η, parasitic series resistance Rs, parasitic shunt resistance Rsh, dark current Jo, and photogenerated current Jph can be extracted simultaneously from just four simple measurements of the bias points corresponding to Voc ∼ 0.6 Voc, Jsc and ∼ 0.6 Jsc on the illuminated J-V curve, using closed-form expressions. The extraction method avoids the measurements of the peak power point and any dJ/dV (i.e., slope). The method is based on the power law J-V model proposed recently by us. © 2009 IEEE.