Review on Influence of Compaction Mechanisms on Roller- Compacted Concrete Pavement Performance
Date Issued
Selvam, M.
Singh, Surender
Lack of understanding of the compaction mechanism, both in the laboratory and field, could result in significant underestimation or overestimation of the roller-compacted concrete pavement (RCCP) performance. The literature (1987 to 2022) depicts that there are numerous techniques to design RCCP in the laboratory; however, which method could closely simulate the field compaction is not fully explored. The present paper critically reviews the fundamental parameters affecting the strength characteristics of RCCP when compacted with different compaction mechanisms in the laboratory and attempts to rank the compaction methods based on the field performance. Also, recommendations are made on how to fabricate the specimens without having much impact on the considered compaction technique. The techniques that have been considered are the vibratory hammer, vibratory table, modified Proctor, gyratory compactor, and special compactors such as California kneading compactor, Marshall hammer, and duplex roller. Based on the present review, future research prospects are outlined to improve the performance of RCCP.