High Entropy and Low Symmetry: Triclinic High-Entropy Molybdates
Date Issued
Stenzel, David
Issac, Ibrahim
Wang, Kai
Azmi, Raheleh
Singh, Ruby
Jeong, Jaehoon
Najib, Saleem
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Hahn, Horst
Brezesinski, Torsten
Schweidler, Simon
Breitung, Ben
Metal molybdates constitute a promising class of materials with a wide application range. Here, we report, to our knowledge for the first time, on the preparation and characterization of medium-entropy and high-entropy metal molybdates, synthesized by an oxalate-based coprecipitation approach. The high-entropy molybdate crystallizes in a triclinic structure, thus rendering it as high-entropy material with the lowest symmetry reported so far. This is noteworthy because high-entropy materials usually tend to crystallize into highly symmetrical structures. It is expected that application of the high-entropy concept to metal molybdates alters the material's characteristics and adds the features of high-entropy systems, that is, tailorable composition and properties. The phase purity and solid solution nature of the molybdates were confirmed by XRD, Raman spectroscopy, TEM, XPS, and ICP-OES.