Observation of the decays χcJ → ς0 p ¯ K++ c. c. (J=0,1,2) OBSERVATION of the DECAYS ... ABLIKIM M. et al.
Date Issued
Ablikim, M.
Achasov, M. N.
Adlarson, P.
Ahmed, S.
Albrecht, M.
Aliberti, R.
Amoroso, A.
An, M. R.
An, Q.
Bai, X. H.
Bai, Y.
Bakina, O.
Ferroli, R. Baldini
Balossino, I.
Ban, Y.
Begzsuren, K.
Berger, N.
Bertani, M.
Bettoni, D.
Bianchi, F.
Biernat, J.
Bloms, J.
Bortone, A.
Boyko, I.
Briere, R. A.
Cai, H.
Cai, X.
Calcaterra, A.
Cao, G. F.
Cao, N.
Cetin, S. A.
Chang, J. F.
Chang, W. L.
Chelkov, G.
Chen, D. Y.
Chen, G.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M. L.
Chen, S. J.
Chen, X. R.
Chen, Y. B.
Chen, Z. J.
Cheng, W. S.
Cibinetto, G.
Cossio, F.
Cui, X. F.
Dai, H. L.
Dai, X. C.
Dbeyssi, A.
de Boer, R. E.
Dedovich, D.
Deng, Z. Y.
Denig, A.
Denysenko, I.
Destefanis, M.
de Mori, F.
Ding, Y.
Dong, C.
Dong, J.
Dong, L. Y.
Dong, M. Y.
Dong, X.
Du, S. X.
Fan, Y. L.
Fang, J.
Fang, S. S.
Fang, Y.
Farinelli, R.
Fava, L.
Feldbauer, F.
Felici, G.
Feng, C. Q.
Fritsch, M.
Fu, C. D.
Fu, Y.
Gao, Y.
Gao, Y. G.
Garzia, I.
Ge, P. T.
Geng, C.
Gersabeck, E. M.
Gilman, A.
Goetzen, K.
Gong, L.
Gong, W. X.
Gradl, W.
Greco, M.
Gu, L. M.
Gu, M. H.
Gu, S.
Gu, Y. T.
Guan, C. Y.
Guo, A. Q.
Guo, L. B.
Guo, R. P.
Guo, Y. P.
Guskov, A.
Han, T. T.
Han, W. Y.
Hao, X. Q.
The decays χcJ→ς0p¯K++c.c. (J=0,1,2) are studied via the radiative transition ψ(3686)→γχcJ based on a data sample of (448.1±2.9)×106 ψ(3686) events collected with the BESIII detector. The branching fractions of χcJ→ς0p¯K++c.c. (J=0,1,2) are measured to be (3.03±0.12±0.15)×10-4, (1.46±0.07±0.07)×10-4, and (0.91±0.06±0.05)×10-4, respectively, where the first uncertainties are statistical and the second are systematic. In addition, no evident structure is found for excited baryon resonances on the two-body subsystems with the limited statistics.