Betweenness centrality - Incremental and faster
Date Issued
We present an incremental algorithm that updates the betweenness centrality (BC) score of all vertices in a graph G when a new edge is added to G, or the weight of an existing edge is reduced. Our incremental algorithm runs in O(v * · n) time, where v * is bounded by m *, the number of edges that lie on a shortest path in G. We achieve the same bound for the more general incremental vertex update problem. Even for a single edge update, our incremental algorithm is the first algorithm that is provably faster on sparse graphs than recomputing with the well-known static Brandes algorithm. It is also likely to be much faster than Brandes on dense graphs since m * is often close to linear in n. Our incremental algorithm is very simple, and we give an efficient cache-oblivious implementation that incurs O(n · sort(v *)) cache misses, where sort is a well-known measure for caching efficiency. © 2014 Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
8635 LNCS