Use of ICT in Learning Underwater Wireless Communications: An Experimental Study
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Raj, M. R.Christhu
Sukumaran, Rajeev
Underwater Acoustic Wireless Communication Concepts, its layering, protocols and signal propagation remain to be vague and complex for students undergoing communication postgraduate programs. Students generally feel disinterested in learning wireless communication courses as the hectic learning content was delivered as mere lectures. The educational institutions do not consider the psychological aspects of the present generation students, as our traditional lecture-based approaches are found not suitable for this generation. The widely available scientific educational practices need to considered and incorporated in their learning environments. These practices need to be followed both in teaching as well as in learning such complex courses. Usage of ICT, in their learning and research becomes an essential element. In this research study, a technology enabled virtual learning methodologies were created and utilized. The prime objective of this work was to create the required motivation and interest, as well as to improve their learning.