Pebbling, entropy, and branching program size lower bounds
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Komarath, Balagopal
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
We contribute to the program of proving lower bounds on the size of branching programs solving the Tree Evaluation Problem introduced by Cook et al. [2012]. Proving a superpolynomial lower bound for the size of nondeterministic thrifty branching programs would be an important step toward separating NL from P using the tree evaluation problem. First, we show that Read-Once Nondeterministic Thrifty BPs are equivalent to whole black-white pebbling algorithms, thus showing a tight lower bound (ignoring polynomial factors) for this model. We then introduce a weaker restriction of nondeterministic thrifty branching programs called Bitwise Independence. The best known [Cook et al. 2012] nondeterministic thrifty branching programs (of size O(kh/2+)) for the tree evaluation problem are Bitwise Independent. As our main result, we show that any Bitwise Independent Nondeterministic Thrifty Branching Program solving BT2(h, k) must have at least (k/2)h/2 states. Prior to this work, lower bounds were known for nondeterministic thrifty branching programs only for fixed heights h = 2, 3, 4 [Cook et al. 2012]. We prove our results by associating a fractional blackwhite pebbling strategy with any bitwise independent nondeterministic thrifty branching program solving the Tree Evaluation Problem. Such a connection was not known previously, even for fixed heights. Our main technique is the entropy method introduced by Jukna and Zák [2001] originally in the context of proving lower bounds for read-once branching programs. We also show that the previous lower bounds known [Cook et al. 2012] for deterministic branching programs for the Tree Evaluation Problem can be obtained using this approach. Using this method, we also show tight lower bounds for any k-way deterministic branching program solving the Tree Evaluation Problem when the instances are restricted to have the same group operation in all internal nodes.