Studies on an algorithm to control the roll motion using active fins
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The very purpose of attaching fins to the hull is to reduce the roll motions of a ship. Roll minimization is a requisite for various operations in the seas. The presence of fin system provides enhanced state of stabilization especially when the vessel is performing a fast maneuvering amidst rough environmental disturbance. The fins in turn are activated by electro-hydraulic mechanism based on the in-built intelligence as per control theory like proportional-integral-derivative (PID) or fuzzy logic. As per this paper, fin system is activated using PID control algorithm. A frigate-type warship is considered for the demonstration purpose. Nonlinear roll motions are controlled using active fins. Lift characteristics of the fins in hydrodynamic flow were studied using CFD package fluent. Good amount of reduction in roll amplitude is achieved from various simulations in random sea. The approach can be used for any irregular sea conditions. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.