Dynamic data structures for interval coloring
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We consider the dynamic graph coloring problem restricted to the class of interval graphs in the incremental and fully dynamic setting. The input consists of a sequence of intervals that are to be either colored, or deleted, if previously colored. For the incremental setting, we consider the well studied optimal online algorithm (KT-algorithm) for interval coloring due to Kierstead and Trotter [1]. We present the following results on the dynamic interval coloring problem. ■ Any direct implementation of the KT-algorithm requires Ω(Δ2) time per interval in the worst case. ■ There exists an incremental algorithm which supports insertion of an interval in amortized O(logn+Δ) time per update and maintains a proper coloring using at most 3ω−2 colors. ■ There exists a fully dynamic algorithm which supports insertion of an interval in O(logn+Δlogω) update time and deletion of an interval in O(Δ2logn) update time in the worst case and maintains a proper coloring using at most 3ω−2 colors. The KT-algorithm crucially uses the maximum clique size in an induced subgraph in the neighborhood of a given vertex. We show that the problem of computing the induced subgraph among the neighbors of a given vertex has the same hardness as the online boolean matrix vector multiplication problem [2]. We show that ■ Any algorithm that computes the induced subgraph among the neighbors of a given vertex requires at least quadratic time unless the OMv conjecture [2] is false. Finally, we obtain the following result on the OMv conjecture. ■ If the matrix and the vectors in the online sequence have the consecutive ones property, then the OMv conjecture [2] is false.