Seismic Zone Map for India Based on Cluster Analysis of Uniform Hazard Response Spectra
Date Issued
Podili, Bhargavi
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
A novel methodology for obtaining a seismic zone map of India is demonstrated in this study, wherein a concrete theoretical framework is provided for deriving the zones and the respective zonal response spectra. The method involves time series clustering of uniform hazard response spectra (UHRS) that were obtained for the entire country on a 0.1° × 0.1° grid by performing probabilistic analysis corresponding to a 2475-year return period. The Euclidean distance between the UHRS values at all periods (27 data points between 0.01 s and 5 s) was taken as the similarity measure in an evolutionary particle swarm optimization algorithm. The analysis was conducted with a swarm population of 100 over 3000 iterations, and the mean UHRS of the resulting clusters was assumed as the cluster centre. Various quality/validity indices including the compactness measure, similarity measure, combined measure and Dunn Index were used to verify the results of the clustering. Based on these clusters, the entire country can be divided into seven zones, with a unique zonal spectrum for each zone.