Sub-THz and THz SiGe HBT electrical compact modeling
Date Issued
Saha, Bishwadeep
Fregonese, Sebastien
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Panda, Soumya Ranjan
Zimmer, Thomas
From the perspectives of characterized data, calibrated TCAD simulations and compact modeling, we present a deeper investigation of the very high frequency behavior of state-of-the-art sub-THz silicon germanium heterojunction bipolar transistors (SiGe HBTs) fabricated with 55-nm BiC-MOS process technology from STMicroelectronics. The TCAD simulation platform is appropriately calibrated with the measurements in order to aid the extraction of a few selected high-frequency (HF) parameters of the state-of-the-art compact model HICUM, which are otherwise difficult to extract from traditionally prepared test-structures. Physics-based strategies of extracting the HF parameters are elaborately presented followed by a sensitivity study to see the effects of the variations of HF parameters on certain frequency-dependent characteristics until 500 GHz. Finally, the deployed HICUM model is evaluated against the measured s-parameters of the investigated SiGe HBT until 500 GHz.