Local entanglement structure across a many-body localization transition
Date Issued
Bera, Soumya
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Local entanglement between pairs of spins, as measured by concurrence, is investigated in a disordered spin model that displays a transition from an ergodic to a many-body localized phase in excited states. It is shown that the concurrence vanishes in the ergodic phase and becomes nonzero and increases in the many-body localized phase. This happen to be correlated with the transition in the spectral statistics from Wigner to Poissonian distribution. A scaling form is found to exist in the second derivative of the concurrence with the disorder strength. It also displays a critical value for the localization transition that is close to what is known in the literature from other measures. An exponential decay of concurrence with distance between spins is observed in the localized phase. Nearest neighbor spin concurrence in this phase is also found to be strongly correlated with the disorder configuration of on-site fields: nearly similar fields implying larger entanglement.