Sensitivity study of thermal performance characteristics based on optical parameters for direct steam generation in parabolic trough collectors
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Solar parabolic trough collector is one of the most potential Concentrated Solar Power (CSP) technologies with high dispatchability. The performance of the Parabolic Trough Collector (PTC) is significantly influenced by the distribution of radiant flux around the line focus receiver. In this paper, an accurate estimation of radiant flux around the line focus receivers of different parabolic trough collectors of varying aperture widths from 5 to 7.5 m has been studied. Effects of total internal reflection in the glass tube, glass tube absorptivity, receiver reflectivity, limb-darkening effect, surface errors and anti-reflective coating have been considered. A direct steam generation model (recirculation mode) has been developed and the effect of geometric errors in the collector on its optical and thermal performance characteristics has been discussed. The thermal efficiency of the direct steam generation collector is influenced by the optical characteristics of the collector and hence the thermal efficiency at different optical errors has been evaluated for the fore-mentioned commercial collectors under the influence of declination. The thermal efficiency is more sensitive to optical errors at low insolation levels and vice versa. For a change in tracking from 0 to 10 mrad, for PTC7.3 configuration, thermal efficiency drops by 0.58% at 1000 W/m2, and 2.02% at 300 W/m2. The thermal efficiency is also more sensitive to optical errors at higher values of declination. The collector of low geometric concentration ratio has a low sensitivity and low thermal efficiency and vice versa. Hence, the overall efficiency of different collectors at different optical errors has to be studied so as to obtain the appropriate collector configuration for specified optical errors and location of installation. Based on the analysis, graphical results which could aid in the selection of best collectors based on the latitude location, DNI and optical errors has been developed. The evaluation of collectors has also been extended towards power plant characteristics. The nominal power has been set to 50 MW. The location of Jodhpur in India has been selected and the total power generated per unit area has been studied for different collectors, for different optical errors. Based on the graphical results developed, appropriate collectors may be chosen for those locations based on their associated optical errors.