Scheduling rules for dynamic shops that manufacture multi-level jobs
Date Issued
Mohanasundaram, K. M.
Natarajan, K.
Viswanathkumar, G.
Radhakrishnan, P.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
The problem of scheduling in dynamic conventional jobshops has been extensively investigated over many years. However, the problem of scheduling in assembly jobshops (i.e. shops that manufacture multi-level jobs with components and subassemblies) has been relatively less investigated in spite of the fact that assembly jobshops are frequently encountered in real life. A survey of literature on dynamic assembly jobshop scheduling has revealed that the TWKR-RRP rule is the best one for minimizing the mean flowtime and staging delay, and the job due-date (JDD) rule is the best for minimizing the mean tardiness of jobs. However, the objectives of minimizing the maximum flowtime (and maximum staging delay) and standard deviation of flowtime (and standard deviation of staging delay) are as important as the minimization of mean flowtime and mean staging delay. Likewise, the objectives of minimizing the maximum tardiness and standard deviation of tardiness are also as important as the minimization of mean tardiness. The reason is that the maximum and standard deviation values of a performance measure indicate the worst-case performance of a dispatching rule. The present study seeks to develop efficient dispatching rules to minimize the maximum and standard deviation of flowtime and staging delay, and the maximum and the standard deviation of conditional tardiness of jobs. The dispatching rules are based on the computation of the earliest completion time of a job and consequently determining the latest finish time of operations on components/subassemblies of a job. An extensive simulation-based investigation of the performance evaluation of the existing dispatching rules and the proposed dispatching rules has been carried out by randomly generating jobs with different structures and different shop utilization levels. It has been found from the simulation study that the proposed rules are quite effective in minimizing the maximum and standard deviation of flowtime and staging delay, and the maximum conditional tardiness and standard deviation of conditional tardiness. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.