System identification of a coupled two DOF moored floating body in random ocean waves
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Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Dynamics of a large moored floating body in ocean waves involves frequency dependent added mass and radiation damping as well as the linear and nonlinear mooring line characteristics. Usually, the added mass and radiation damping matrices can be estimated either by potential theory-based calculations or by experiments. The nonlinear mooring line properties are usually quantified by experimental methods. In this paper, we attempt to use a nonlinear system identification approach, speciakally the reverse multiple input-single output (R-MISO) method, to coupled surge-pitch response (two-degrees-of-freedom) of a large floating system in random ocean waves with linear and cubic nonlinear mooring line stiffnesses. The system mass matrix has both frequency independent and frequency dependent components whereas its damping matrix has only frequency dependent components. The excitation force and moment due to linear monochromatic waves which act on the system are assumed to be known that can either be calculated or obtained from experiments. For numerical illustration, a floating half-spheroid is adopted. The motion as well as the loading are simulated assuming Pierson-Moskowitz (PM) spectrum and these results have been analyzed by the R-MISO method yielding frequency dependent coupled added mass and radiation damping coefficients, as well as linear and nonlinear stiffness coefficients of mooring lines satisfactorily. Copyright © 2006 by ASME.