4-E (Energy-Exergy-Environment-Economic) analyses of integrated solar powered jaggery production plant with different pan configurations
Date Issued
Venkata Sai, P.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Conventional jaggery making process utilizes the bagasse for boiling of sugar cane juice which releases pollutants into the atmosphere and high particulate matter from these emissions causes air pollution. In this article, solar powered jaggery industry with freeze pre-concentration is proposed with conventional and modified heating pans. The system performance, environmental impacts and economic feasibility were assessed by carrying out 4E (Energy-Exergy-Environment-Economic) analyses using the developed mathematical model. These systems were designed to produce 300 kg of jaggery per day when operated for 7.5 h in 3 batches with average solar direct normal irradation of 662 W/m2 and 343 °C. These systems are integrated with auxiliary heating for uninterrupted production in the absence of sunlight. These systems can mitigate nearly 2015.95 to 3062.15 tons of CO2 emission during its 25 years of lifespan under 300 clear days of operation each year. Jaggery produced by this technique is rich in its colour and completely safe for human consumption as no artificial clarificants are used. Amount invested in these systems can be recovered in a span of 12.03 to 13.45 years for jaggery selling price of USD.0.514/kg or INR.36/kg.