Real-Time Restoration of Dark Stereo Images
Date Issued
Low-light image enhancement has been an actively researched area for decades and has produced excellent night-time single-image, video, and Light Field restoration methods. Despite these advances, the problem of extreme low-light stereo image restoration has been mostly ignored and addressing it can enable night-time capabilities to several applications such as smartphones and self-driving cars. We propose an especially light-weight and fast hybrid U-net architecture for extreme low-light stereo image restoration. In the initial few scale spaces, we process the left and right features individually, because the two features do not align well due to large disparity. At coarser scale-spaces, the disparity between left and right features decreases and the network's receptive field increases. We use this fact to reduce computations by simultaneously processing the left and right features, which also benefits epipole preservation. As our architecture does not use any 3D convolution for fast inference, we use a Depth-Aware loss module to train our network. This module computes quick and coarse depth estimates to better enforce the stereo epipolar constraints. Extensive benchmarking in terms of visual enhancement and downstream depth estimation shows that our architecture not only restores dark stereo images faithfully but also offers 4-60× speed-up with 15-100× lower floating point operations, necessary for real-world applications.