Numerical modeling and performance assessment of elongated compound parabolic concentrator based LCPVT system
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In this work, a non-imaging low concentrating 2.5X Compound Parabolic Concentrator (CPC) truncated to 1.7X has been explored. CPCs inherently form non-uniform distribution of flux on the PVT module which has been mitigated by the integration of optimized homogenizer referred to as Elongated CPC (ECPC). The study involves detailed optical, thermal, and electrical modeling of the ECPC based Low Concentrating Photovoltaic Thermal (LCPVT) system. Optical simulations provide insight into the flux distribution on the PVT panel surface, which is further coupled with a thermal and electrical model for precise prediction of the performance of the system. These models are validated experimentally with a 315 Wp solar panel integrated with ECPC based LCPVT system. Performance evaluation of the system has shown peak thermal efficiency of ∼40% at ΔT of 16 °C, peak electrical efficiency of 12%, and an overall peak exergy efficiency of 15% at 38 Liters per hour (LPH) flow rate. A comparison of outlet water temperature results obtained from the numerical model and experiments has shown an excellent match with a relative error of 4%. Results also show that the increase in mass flow rate from 22 LPH to 38 LPH improves the electrical efficiency by 3% however a drop in ΔT of 2–3 °C is observed.