Cognitive Behavior Based Framework for Operator Learning: Knowledge and Capability Assessment through Eye Tracking
Date Issued
Das, Laya
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Safety in process plants is of paramount importance. With the predominant contributor to accidents in process industries being repeatedly identified as human error, it is necessary to have skilled operators to prevent accidents and minimise the impact of abnormal situations. Such knowledge and skills are imparted to operators using operator training simulator (OTS) which offer a simulated environment of the real process. However, these techniques emphasize on assessing operator's ability to follow standard guidelines – assessment of the operator's process knowledge and imparting an adequate mental model to the operator is not addressed. Further, understanding cognitive behavior of operators, identified as crucial to enhancing their skills and abilities is often neglected. In this work, we develop a systems engineering framework to operator training with emphasis on accounting for the cognitive abilities of the human-in-the-loop. The framework consists of three distinct components: (1) Design of suitable training tasks, (2) Measure and analyse operator's cognitive response while performing the tasks, and (3) Infer operator's mental model through knowledge and capability assessment. Consider the operator as a system whose input is information acquired from the process through the human machine interface (HMI) and output are actions taken on the process (such as manipulating valves). We demonstrate in this paper that the available input (from eye tracking) and output (operator actions) data when suitably analysed with respect to the process state can aid in inferring the operator's mental model at any given time. Based on the model, the operator's current knowledge can be deduced and gaps identified. New training tasks can then be designed to address these gaps. In this article, we describe the proposed framework for operator learning and illustrate it using experimental studies.