Phase Controlled Bistability in Silicon Microring Resonators for Nonlinear Photonics
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Resonance shift and bistability in a silicon microring resonator operating at higher optical power levels pose serious difficulties, especially in nonlinear four wave mixing process. A solution of parking a laser wavelength around any of the resonances of a microring resonator and operating at any power levels is explored by integrating a microheater. We have shown with the existing theoretical model that the previous history of phase detuning in a silicon microring resonator determines the effective gain in stimulated four wave mixing process. The experimental results have been shown to be closely matching with the simulation results. For a microring resonator of radius 50 \mum, an improved stimulated four wave mixing gain of \sim 11.6 dB has been observed while thermo-optically blue-shifting resonances in comparison to that of red-shifting resonances, for a launched pump power of 8.4 mW operating at a slightly off-resonant wavelength \lambda _p. The proposed technique can be used in designing actively controlled efficient photon sources in a large-scale integrated quantum photonic circuit operating at \lambda \sim 1550 nm.