Laboratory investigation of clay mineral fines as dispersant for combating oil spill
Date Issued
Samuel, Devadoss R.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
The oil-mineral aggregate formation tests are commonly conducted in batch-scale testing apparatus in order to find the effectiveness in reducing the oil concentration in water column. However, for the assessment of effectiveness of mineral as dispersant under real sea state conditions, test protocols are required to have hydrodynamic conditions closer to the natural sea state environment, including transport and dilution effects. To achieve this goal, experimental program designed and constructed in a wave flume system to study the oil-mineral aggregation and it's effectiveness in reducing the oil toxicity, in a controlled mixing energy conditions (non-breaking and breaking waves). Quantification of oil mineral aggregation effectiveness was based on observed changes in dispersed oil concentrations and distribution of oil in the beach sediments. The study results quantitatively demonstrated that total dispersed oil concentration in the water column were strongly dependent on the presence of mineral aggregates and the influence of breaking waves. The effectiveness of application of minerals, as a function of sea state was studied and would be useful in drafting of future operational guidelines for mineral dispersant use at sea. Copyright © 2009 by ASME.