On One-Dimensional Linear Minimal Codes over Finite (Commutative) Rings
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Minimal linear codes have significant applications in secret sharing schemes and secure two-party computation. When they are defined over finite fields, those codes have been intensively studied, especially in recent years, but they have been firstly partially characterized by Ashikhmin and Barg since 1998. Next, they were completely characterized in 2018 by Ding, Heng, and Zhou in terms of the minimum and maximum nonzero weights in the corresponding codes. Since then, many construction methods for minimal linear codes over finite fields throughout algebraic and geometric approaches have been proposed in the literature. In particular, the algebraic approach gives rise to minimal codes from (cryptographic) functions. Linear codes over finite fields have been expanded into the collection of acceptable alphabets for codes and study codes over finite commutative rings. A natural way to extend the known results available in the literature is to consider minimal linear codes over commutative rings with unity. In extending coding theory to codes over rings, several essential principles must be considered. Particularly extending the minimality property from finite fields to rings and creating such codes is not simple. Such an extension offers more flexibility in the construction of minimal codes. The present article investigates one-dimensional minimal linear codes over the rings Zpn (where p is a prime) and Zpmqn (where p < q are distinct primes and m ≤n). Our ultimate objective is to characterize such codes' minimality and design minimal linear codes over the considered rings. Given our objective, we first introduced the notion of minimal codes over (commutative) rings and succeeded in deriving simple characterization of one-dimensional minimal linear codes over the underlying rings mentioned above. Our new algebraic approach allows designing new minimal linear codes. Almost minimal codes over rings are also presented. To the best of our knowledge, the present paper offers a wide variety of minimal codes over (commutative) rings for the first time. Novel perspectives and developments in this direction are expected in the future.