A comparative study on the microstructure and mechanical properties of fusion welded 9 Cr-1 Mo steel
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Modified 9 Cr-1 Mo is an ideal candidate preferred for high temperature applications in power plants. In this study, three P91 welds of 12mm thickness are produced using Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW), Cold Metal Transfer (CMT) and Pulsed-CMT (P-CMT) processes. The impact toughness is evaluated in the as-welded as well as in the PWHT (760°C-2h) condition. It is found that P-CMT process resulted in the highest toughness in both the conditions. The heat input was maximum in the case of GTAW (800J/mm) welds and minimum in CMT (330J/mm). Even though P-CMT (380J/mm) has heat input slightly above CMT, the former is compensated by higher welding speeds. Electron microscopy analysis revealed the presence of fine M23C6 and MX precipitates. Among the welds, P-CMT had minimal amount of the precipitates whereas GTAW welds had the maximum. The dimple morphology observed in the ruptured surface significantly varied and P-CMT process had finer dimples indicating finer weld microstructures and enhanced mechanical properties.