Influence of acidosis on erythrocyte aggregation as analysed by on-line laser light aggregometer
Date Issued
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Singh, M.
The sequential analysis of the aggregation process of erythrocytes subjected to biochemical changes by inducing acidity in suspending medium are investigated in vitro. Erythrocytes obtained from blood samples of healthy adult volunteers, suspended in native and pH lowered plasma are allowed to interact freely to form aggregates under gravitational force and are then analysed by an On-line He-Ne laser light aggregometer. The aggregation index is estimated from the changes in transmitted laser light intensity corresponding to the interaction of erythrocytes. These signals are continuously detected and digitised. Similar studies are also carried out with erythrocytes suspended in dextran both at normal and low pH. The result demonstrates that the aggregation index of erythrocyte sample at lower pH in plasma and dextran solution is reduced when compared to that at normal controls. As alteration of aggregation process by this mechanism may play an important role in flow dynamics of blood in microcirculation, these studies are clinically highly relevent.