Guided waves for online monitoring of composites
Date Issued
Shah, Harsh
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Aerospace & Automotive industries make extensive use of composite structures, often with complex geometries. Ultrasonic guided waves are attractive for long-range inspection of large-scale structures. However surface based transducers that are typically used, lead to two-dimensional wave propagation, limiting the applicability of guided wave methods. This work explores the use of embedded waveguides for monitoring delamination type defects in composites. These waveguides confine the wave transmission in one dimension and waves leak only through the opening provided, which enhances the capability to inspect large composite structures with very low attenuation rate. Inaccessible areas can be inspected and inter-laminar delamination detection can be achieved. Live monitoring and assessment of discontinuities can be accomplished effectively by using this mechanism.