Performance of an offshore low-crested breakwater as a rehabilitation structure
Date Issued
Muni Reddy, M. G.
Neelamani, S.
Low-crested offshore rubble mound breakwaters (LCB) are gaining more popularity as a potential coastal protection structures, where a moderate transmission is allowed with significant energy dissipation. This paper presents results obtained from a physical model study to understand the transmission and reflection characteristics of LCB as a defence structure in front of a vertical seawall. The paper mainly focuses on the influence of crest level of LCB in reducing the water surface elevations between two structures and on reflection characteristics of the combined system. In this study, five different relative crest heights (h/d) are used keeping the water depth constant and varying the breakwater height. The results of this investigation can be used in the design of seawalls with less overtopping or for preventing the heavy overtopping on existing seawalls from severe storms. This type of protection can also be used as a rehabilitation measure in situations wherein it is required to reduce the wave forces to enhance the functional life of seawalls that are damaged by extreme wave conditions. © 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, LLC.