Resonant Energy Transfer-Mediated Efficient Hole Transfer in the Ternary Blend Organic Solar Cells
Date Issued
Yadav, S
Shivanna, R
Mohapatra, AA
Sawhney, N
Gangadharappa, C
Swaraj, S
Rao, A
Friend, RH
Patil, S
The ternary blend approach accomplished improved spectralcoverageand enhanced the power conversion efficiency (PCE) of organic solarcells (OSCs). However, the role of the third component in improvingthe photovoltaic parameters needs critical analysis. Here, we introduceda wide band gap n-type twisted perylene diimide (TPDI) into the PM6:Y6blend as a third component that improves spectral coverage and morphology,resulting in an overall increase in the efficiency of the OSCs. TPDIacts as an antenna for efficient energy- and charge-transfer processes.A systematic study compared charge- and energy-transfer dynamics andthe orientational dependence nanomorphology of ternary blends withthose of their binary counterparts. Femtosecond transient absorptionmeasurements reveal enhanced hole-transfer efficiency in finely tunedternary mixtures. This study provides a rational approach to identifyinga third component to improve light management and morphology. Theseparameters enhance the energy and charge-transfer processes, improvingthe PCE of OSCs.