Validation of a thermodynamically consistent compressible rate-type viscoelastic model with independent limits on dilation, contraction, and distortion
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In the previous part of this work (see Devendiran et al. (2018)), a new non-linear rate-type compressible viscoelastic model with independent volumetric and distortional limiters was proposed. In the present work, the developed constitutive equation is validated using experimental data generated in-house for two cyclic inhomogeneous deformations which are predominantly two-dimensional: non-uniform planar extension and barreling compression of carbon-black filled elastomeric sheets and circular cylinders, respectively, under different rates of cyclic deformations. In the finite element simulations of these two boundary value problems, the two-dimensional governing equations are formulated in Lagrangian basis and the resulting system of partial differential equations are solved using COMSOLĀ®. A good agreement is observed between the numerical results and the corresponding experimental data, including the cyclic stress softening effect (Mullins effect).