Minimum quantity lubricated grinding of inconel 751 alloy
Date Issued
Balan, A. S.S.
Vijayaraghavan, L.
Krishnamurthy, R.
Minimum Quantity Lubrication (MQL) results a better cooling effect than the boundary lubricated and dry environment, besides being environmental friendly. Very few investigations have been carried out on the influence of MQL parameters, such as oil flow rate and air pressure on grinding performance. Since grinding comprises both cutting and sliding, it is necessary to provide a balanced environment of heat extraction and lubrication. Thus it requires a controlled grinding environment such as MQL. The current study is an experimental investigation on the significance of the MQL parameters on grinding performance of Inconel 751. Inconel is an ideal material for high temperature applications although it poses difficulties during machining, especially grinding. It was found that better results were obtained for the optimal MQL condition in grinding in terms of reduced grinding force, temperature, and roughness. Also it was found that there is hardly any crest flattening on the surface being ground with minimum quantity lubrication. Induction of MQL facilitates considerable reduction in the grinding forces, temperature, and roughness, apart from the absence of visible grinding burns. Copyright © 2013 Taylor and Francis Group, LLC.