Measurement of the branching fraction of and search for a CP -violating asymmetry in η′ →π+π-e+e- At BESIII
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Ablikim, M.
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Adlarson, P.
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An, Q.
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Bai, Y.
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Ferroli, R. Baldini
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Ban, Y.
Begzsuren, K.
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Berger, N.
Bertani, M.
Bettoni, D.
Bianchi, F.
Biernat, J.
Bloms, J.
Bortone, A.
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Chen, G.
Chen, H. S.
Chen, M. L.
Chen, S. J.
Chen, X. R.
Chen, Y. B.
Chen, Z. J.
Cheng, W. S.
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Cui, X. F.
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Dai, J. P.
Dai, X. C.
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Denig, A.
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Destefanis, M.
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Dong, M. Y.
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Gao, Y.
Gao, Y.
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Gao, Y. G.
Garzia, I.
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Gilman, A.
Goetzen, K.
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Gong, W. X.
Gradl, W.
Greco, M.
Gu, L. M.
Gu, M. H.
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Guan, C. Y.
Guo, A. Q.
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Guo, R. P.
Guo, Y. P.
Guskov, A.
Han, S.
Han, T. T.
Han, T. Z.
Hao, X. Q.
The rare decay η′→π+π-e+e- is studied using a sample of 1.3×109 J/ψ events collected with the BESIII detector at BEPCII in 2009 and 2012. The branching fraction is measured with improved precision to be (2.42±0.05stat±0.08syst)×10-3. Due to the inclusion of new data, this result supersedes the last BESIII result on this branching fraction. In addition, the CP-violating asymmetry in the angle between the decay planes of the π+π - pair and the e+e - pair is investigated. A measurable value would indicate physics beyond the standard model; the result is ACP=(2.9±3.7stat±1.1syst)%, which is consistent with the standard model expectation of no CP-violation. The precision is comparable to the asymmetry measurement in the KL0→π+π-e+e- decay where the observed (14±2)% effect is driven by a standard model mechanism.