Selective ejection of anilines from phthalic acid N,N′-substituted diamides under both electron impact and pyrolytic conditions
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Ramana, D. V.
Eswara Yuvaraj, T.
Ranga Reddy, K.
The ortho interaction between the two anilide functions in N,N′-substituted phthalic acid diamides 1-12 on electron impact leads to the elimination of aniline or substituted amine from the molecular ions, resulting in the formation of N-(substituted) phenyl phthalimide or N-phenyl phthalimide radical cations respectively. The presence of electron releasing substituents in the ortho phthalic acid diamides favour the elimination of aniline whereas electron withdrawing substituents in these phthalic acid diamides facilitate the ejection of substituted amine. The mechanisms and ion structures proposed in the mass spectral study are supported by high resolution data and Collision Activated Decomposition-Mass Analyzed Ion Kinetic Energy (CAD-MIKE) spectra. This influence of substituents on selective deamination in phthalic acid N,N′-substituted diamides under electron impact (El) conditions has been successfully cloned in the laboratory to obtain selectively N-phenyl and N-substituted, phenyl phthalimides in good yields by a pyrolytic approach.