Computatational Assessment of Protective Capabilities of Vehicle Floor, Seat and Occupant Response under Shock Loads
Date Issued
Subrahmanyam, Basa Jsk Kalyan
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
Rao, Lakshman
Shock waves are High pressure Energy carrying transport media, Often Military Vehicles are subject to these shock waves. A Numerical analysis of floor-plate Armox-500T, an armoured grade steel for vehicle floorplate and occupants in the event of mine detonation under the vehicle cabin with Dynamic Explicit Finite Element Code LS-DYNA software was carried out, the shock wave from the mine was modelled approximately using Conwep and the vehicle driver was represented by using a Hybrid III dummy. simulations found details of the model which includes, the displacement, the velocity, the acceleration, variation in the energy of the cabin's floor-plate, the stress the overpressure and the response of the dummy, obtained results were compared to experimental Results for validation.