Measurement of the CKM matrix element |Vcb | from B0 →d∗-ℓ+νℓ at Belle
Date Issued
Waheed, E.
Urquijo, P.
Ferlewicz, D.
Adachi, I.
Adamczyk, K.
Aihara, H.
Al Said, S.
Asner, D. M.
Atmacan, H.
Aushev, T.
Ayad, R.
Babu, V.
Badhrees, I.
Bansal, V.
Behera, P.
Beleño, C.
Bernlochner, F.
Bhuyan, B.
Bilka, T.
Biswal, J.
Bobrov, A.
Bonvicini, G.
Bozek, A.
BraÄ ko, M.
Browder, T. E.
Campajola, M.
ÄŒervenkov, D.
Chang, P.
Chekelian, V.
Chen, A.
Cheon, B. G.
Chilikin, K.
Cho, H. E.
Cho, K.
Choi, S. K.
Choi, Y.
Choudhury, S.
Cinabro, D.
Cunliffe, S.
Di Carlo, S.
DoleŽal, Z.
Dong, T. V.
Dossett, D.
Eidelman, S.
Epifanov, D.
Fast, J. E.
Fulsom, B. G.
Garg, R.
Gaur, V.
Garmash, A.
Giri, A.
Goldenzweig, P.
Golob, B.
Grzymkowska, O.
Haba, J.
Hara, T.
Hayasaka, K.
Hayashii, H.
Hedges, M. T.
Hou, W. S.
Hsu, C. L.
Iijima, T.
Inami, K.
Inguglia, G.
Ishikawa, A.
Iwasaki, M.
Iwasaki, Y.
Jacobs, W. W.
Jeon, H. B.
Jia, S.
Jin, Y.
Joffe, D.
Joo, K. K.
Kahn, J.
Kaliyar, A. B.
Karyan, G.
Kawasaki, T.
Kim, C. H.
Kim, D. Y.
Kim, K. T.
Kim, S. H.
Kinoshita, K.
Kodyš, P.
Korpar, S.
Kotchetkov, D.
KriŽan, P.
Kroeger, R.
Krokovny, P.
Kuhr, T.
Kulasiri, R.
Kuzmin, A.
Kwon, Y. J.
Lange, J. S.
Lee, J. Y.
Lee, S. C.
Li, C. H.
Li, L. K.
Li, Y. B.
Li Gioi, L.
Indian Institute of Technology, Madras
We present a new measurement of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vcb| from B0→D∗-ℓ+νℓ decays, reconstructed with the full Belle data set of 711 fb-1 integrated luminosity. Two form factor parametrizations, originally conceived by the Caprini-Lellouch-Neubert (CLN) and the Boyd, Grinstein and Lebed (BGL) groups, are used to extract the product F(1)ηEW|Vcb| and the decay form factors, where F(1) is the normalization factor and ηEW is a small electroweak correction. In the CLN parametrization we find F(1)ηEW|Vcb|=(35.06±0.15±0.56)×10-3, ρ2=1.106±0.031±0.007, R1(1)=1.229±0.028±0.009, R2(1)=0.852±0.021±0.006. For the BGL parametrization we obtain F(1)ηEW|Vcb|=(34.93±0.23±0.59)×10-3, which is consistent with the world average when correcting for F(1)ηEW. The branching fraction of B0→D∗-ℓ+νℓ is measured to be B(B0→D∗-ℓ+νℓ)=(4.90±0.02±0.16)%. We also present a new test of lepton flavor universality violation in semileptonic B decays, B(B0→D∗-e+ν)B(B0→D∗-μ+ν)=1.01±0.01±0.03. The errors quoted correspond to the statistical and systematic uncertainties, respectively. This is the most precise measurement of F(1)ηEW|Vcb| and form factors to date and the first experimental study of the BGL form factor parametrization in an experimental measurement.