Aerodynamic analysis of flat and curve shaped hypersonic forebodies at low speeds
Date Issued
Pillai, S. Nadaraja
Kumar, M. Santhosh
Sundaravadivel, T. A.
Gopinath, M.
Parammasivam, K. M.
Jayaraman, K.
Hypersonic air breathing vehicle will be one of the largest technological challenges in the aeronautical community during the twenty first century The key to this type of transportation is the technological mastery of the propulsion system The design of the curve shaped fore body of the vehicle leads to the role of compression ramp that reduces the flow speed ahead of the air inlet to increase the propulsive efficiency The study of curve shaped fore body and flat shaped fore body conducted in MIT Low speed wind tunnel and the experimental data's are collected This analysis also carried out in Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) package STAR CD Out of this research the curve shaped fore body increases the lift of the whole hypersonic body, which leads to horizontal take off and landing of hypersonic vehicle The results found out from the computational as well as experimental leads to give the aerodynamic database for further research in hypersonic research vehicles.