A genetic algorithmic approach to multi-objective scheduling in a Kanban-controlled flowshop with intermediate buffer and transport constraints
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In this paper, we consider the problem of extended permutation flowshop scheduling with the intermediate buffers. The Kanban flowshop problem considered involves dual-blocking by both part type and queue size acting on machines, as well as on material handling. The objectives considered in this study include the minimization of mean completion time of containers, mean completion time of part types, and the standard deviation of mean completion time of part types. An attempt is made to solve the multi-objective problem by using a proposed genetic algorithm, called the "non-dominated and normalized distance-ranked sorting multi-objective genetic algorithm" (NDSMGA). In order to evaluate the NDSMGA, we have made use of randomly generated flowshop scheduling problems with input and output buffer constraints in the flowshop. The non-dominated solutions for these problems are obtained from each of the existing methods, namely multi-objective genetic local search (MOGLS), elitist non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm (ENGA), gradual priority weighting genetic algorithm (GPWGA), modified MOGLS, and the NDSMGA. These non-dominated solutions are combined to obtain a net non-dominated solution set for a given problem. Contribution in terms of number of solutions to the net non-dominated solution set from each of these algorithms is tabulated, and the results reveal that a substantial number of non-dominated solutions are contributed by the NDSMGA.