Creep Behaviour of Directionally Solidified Nickel-Base Superalloy CM 247: A Three-Dimensional Representation of Creep Curves
Date Issued
A number of creep tests were performed on a Ni-base superalloy DS CM 247 specimens at three temperatures viz. 850, 950 and 1050 °C and over a range of stresses. Three-dimensional (3D) maps of creep curves (creep strain–time-stress) were generated by using the ‘in-house developed code’ based on θ-projection methodology. These 3D maps with overlaid experimental creep curves show a very good agreement with the predicted creep behaviour at different stresses and at a given temperature. Also, the ability of the method in deducing the stress relaxation curves at different strains derived from 3D maps of creep curves has been demonstrated. Further, the relative performance of the LMP approach and the θ-projection approach in prediction of time to rupture has been reported.